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Music Volume: %

No. Artist Title Len. Written On
01 3Bot Lil bots 02:27 01/May/2019
02 Gh0$t Ghost Is The Name 03:04 11/Jul/2019
03 3Bot 3 AM Last Summer 01:33 30/Sep/2020
04 Gh0$t Ghetto Luv 02:39 09/Sep/2018
05 3Bot Un2 01:27 25/Aug/2018
06 Gh0$t Deep Cover 02:19 12/Jan/2019
07 3Bot Cherry Blossom 02:19 11/Feb/2021
08 Gh0$t 제주 (JeJu) 02:26 05/Dec/2022
09 3Bot San Andreas 01:21 30/Apr/2019
10 Gh0$t My Last Masterpiece 02:11 22/Apr/2020
11 Gh0$t ្នកជិតខាងនៅระยอง
(Neighbors in Rayong)
02:01 21/May/2023
Bonus Track
12 Benjaaa 神宮寺 (Jinguji) 01:38 16/Aug/2024
Bonus Track

Missing tracks?

In my vision, the album would have 10 tracks. I have added Track 11 and 12 as bonuses.

In some public releases, Track 10 might be missing as it is kind of edgy, and Track 11 might be missing as it is mostly an inside joke / message between me and a friend, so most people are probably not going to understand the message...

Tags: 3Bot 2Bot soundcloud rap Botology album reddit discord gta 5 gta5 steam sound cloud